
Parents' stories

Important information for parents

Little Oren - second pregnancy.. everything is going well..

  Week 29, Saturday evening, after a shower, the water started to drip, without a doubt it was water... I call my mother, change clothes, take a towel and run to the maternity ward, wait until they receive us, they explain to us that there is no room in the nursery and it is better for us to evacuate immediately by ambulance to the nearest hospital. A trip that seemed like forever...

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The story of Jonathan's birth

  I don't usually write. But this year I feel I have to. 6 years have passed since my Jonathan (or as I call him - Mom's Yonatan Haim ???? ) was born. 6 years since the great professor told me that "he would be happy to see me in another week" and proposed

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In honor of prematurity week

In honor of prematurity week, I am also sending you the story of my life, a story about a prematurity and a great miracle. The month of awareness of premature babies... so yes we also became parents of a premature baby a year ago. This was our second pregnancy, first pregnancy went smoothly until week 40 and even then until before

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Due date 2015

A festive fundraiser event - Keren Pels on the piano, to purchase tickets click here The Lahab Association was founded to support, assist and embrace parents of premature infants, as well as to provide up-to-date information on all issues relevant to parents of premature infants. The Lahab Association is nationwide and was established by parents of premature infants and premature infants in their past for the purpose of promoting and improving the condition of premature infants in Israel, their families,

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Personal column - by Liat Dubinsky

My little prince... 4 years we waited for you and expected you, 4 years of prayers and requests until the long-awaited pregnancy arrived and more naturally. What joy we had, a real miracle who would have believed!!! The pregnancy from the beginning was not easy and with a lot of bleeding and running to the doctors and in the background the saying "miscarriage" was always heard

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Personal column - by Dana Benny

You decide to bring a child into the world alone, you decide to dedicate your whole being to something that has not yet been created, you look at the little toddlers running after their mothers and promise yourself that next year you will have one too. The tears are flowing... and you know that soon you will be part of this circle called "motherhood" care after care,

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Personal column - by Shira Masvari

Yale was born at 24 weeks of pregnancy weighing 465 grams. She was born early because I had very severe preeclampsia and ended up in intensive care. Only a week after the birth I saw Yale for the first time. My husband took me in a wheelchair to the maternity ward, where a nurse was waiting for me near the incubator, and then I saw her

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