Parents of premature babies, you are not alone
We have compiled for you here personal stories of parents of premature babies who chose to share their story with us.
"Death hovered over us every day": Preemies who survived against all odds
One of the biggest concerns of a couple of new parents is a complication in birth and harm to the fetus. The stories of Haya-Nea, Mor and Bat El stand
Eliran's great miracle: "What I wanted most in the world was to be a father, it was my dream"
Eliran Kochavi and his wife were excitedly expecting a child together, but in the fifth month of pregnancy they received shocking news - a problem with the development of the fetus was discovered. the doctors
The story that must also appear here - the story of the late Tutti
Where to start? In the voice of sanity - there are also babies who will not survive the puerperium, the majority will survive but there are some who will not. their pictures
Due date 2015
A festive fundraiser event - Keren Pels on the piano, to purchase tickets click here The Hebrew Association was founded to support, help and embrace parents of premature babies, and
Personal column - by Shira Masvari
Yale was born at 24 weeks of pregnancy weighing 465 grams. She was born early because I had very severe preeclampsia and I came for treatment
"The family journey after premature birth" podcast
Sherry Stoler, the physiotherapist, is a guest and tells about the experience of premature families - when a baby is born prematurely, the family begins a journey that is different from the content, in part
Personal column - by Dana Benny
You decide to bring a child into the world alone, you decide to dedicate your whole being to something that has not yet been created, you look at the little toddlers running around
Ziv my son
My girl, the story started several years ago, right after we got married, we said that we were trying - it will work, it won't work, it won't burn.
Personal column - by Liat Dubinsky
My little prince... 4 years we waited for you and expected you, 4 years of prayers and requests until the long-awaited pregnancy arrived and more naturally.
Two loader
How I came into the world Mother got pregnant in Recife (in Brazil) on the last night of the carnival. That's probably why I was a happy baby, and I danced for mom
In honor of prematurity week
In honor of prematurity week, I am also sending you the story of my life, a story about a prematurity and a great miracle. Prematurity Awareness Month... So
Guy Dorfman
Guy Michael Dorfman was born at week 29 due to complete placental abruption on 08/01/09. He underwent severe diagnoses such as "cerebral palsy", "mental retardation" and more...
The story of Jonathan's birth
I don't usually write. But this year I feel I have to. 6 years have passed since my Jonathan (or like
Otani spring
Nine years ago, a spring burst into the air of the world into a mixture of uncertainty and fear of its ability to survive. Maayan was born, in emergency surgery,
Little Oren - second pregnancy.. everything is going well..
Week 29, Saturday evening, after a shower, the water started to drip, without a doubt it's water... I call my mother, change clothes, take
Bad from a suburban scholar
On October 19, 2008, at 26+6 weeks, a routine check-up at the doctor's, high blood pressure, some swelling, suspicion of pre-eclampsia, sends me to the maternity ward.
The story of Elial's birth
By Sagit Harel. At 28 weeks, the doctor noticed that there was a slowdown in growth, at 30 weeks I was sent to the emergency room and hospitalized. After a silent monitor I was dispatched
Leah Shavari
You were born at week 29+3, 768 grams. On the last day of the Cast Lead War. During the war, the soldiers fought against us, and we - against you! the doctors
The story of Hadas Amira
My story begins more than 18 years ago, but only today I have the courage to tell it because only now I am
Ronnie Karniel
Roni was born on the last day of week 24. Weighing 700 grams, we gave her a 50% chance to survive. And this little warrior survived