
premature birth

The story that must also appear here - the story of the late Tutti

Where to start? In the voice of sanity - there are also babies who will not survive the puerperium, the majority will survive but there are some who will not. Their pictures don't decorate the walls outside the pagoda, but this story is one voice for them and for the mothers whose stories are usually not heard. Our strawberry didn't survive,

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The story of the birth of a fan

In honor of the month of November, which is the month of awareness of premature babies, I decided to tell about my own premature baby and his birth. The pregnancy with Ohad was a bit challenging: injections of Claxan every morning. I felt unwell until about week 18. Later, gestational diabetes developed. And of course Matan, who was 3 years old at the time, demanded the

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The story of Moran's birth

It was a normal day, in the afternoon of Thursday, 15.1.15. You have been in my stomach for 30 weeks and one more day 🙂 Yesterday I was at the doctor who checked you and me and said everything was normal. I was sitting in the living room and working on the computer, when suddenly I felt something ooze between my legs. I went to the bathroom and saw

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My breastfeeding story - premature breastfeeding (Omer's birth story)

"I will have a natural birth, with a private midwife, in a natural birth room!!" Everyone already knew, because I proudly told everyone." And I already knew, immediately after the birth, the midwife would place my chubby baby on me and I would immediately attach her to the breast. You know the sentence: "If you want to make God laugh, tell

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The story of Elial's birth

By Sagit Harel. At 28 weeks, the doctor noticed that there was a slowdown in growth, at 30 weeks I was sent to the emergency room and hospitalized. After a quiet monitor I was sent to the delivery room for the night, where she kindly agreed to give a few kicks and I was returned to the ward. About two or three days later, it's quiet again. This time I didn't come back.. at 8:25

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The story of Jonathan's birth

  I don't usually write. But this year I feel I have to. 6 years have passed since my Jonathan (or as I call him - Mom's Yonatan Haim ???? ) was born. 6 years since the great professor told me that "he would be happy to see me in another week" and proposed

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Quadruple birth: A quadruplet was born at Rambam Hospital

The quartet includes two girls and two boys who are currently hospitalized in Fegia and their condition is defined as stable. Medical teams were called in for the complicated delivery. The mother: "During the previous pregnancy we lost a baby and we were broken but now we got it back four times over"

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Miracle: almost died in childbirth due to preeclampsia

It took 7 months, but for real miracles - worth the wait. Little Evie Mounihan was born by caesarean section at 27 weeks, weighing a tiny 538 grams, after she and her mother almost lost their lives due to severe preeclampsia developed by the mother. Last week, her excited parents took her home, for the first time

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Questions and answers - before birth

The pregnancy has progressed and the birth is approaching but there is the fear of premature birth for one reason or another.... A number of questions and answers are presented herewith in order to help and give an initial answer on the subject. We would be happy to hear suggestions for additional topics that you thought were missing on the site. How can premature birth be prevented? (Show) The best way to prevent premature birth

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