
אסיפה כללית – 2023

  האסיפה הכללית השנתית תתקיים בזום ביום שישי, 20/10/23, בשעה 9:00 חברי עמותה מוזמנים להשתתף באסיפה. להתעדכן ולהיות חלק מהעשייה. בשל המצב, נערוך את האסיפה כמתוכנן, אך ננסה לקצר כמה שניתן. אג'נדה: 09:00-09:15 – פתיח, היכרות בקצרה והמתנה למצטרפים באיחור. חייבים 15 חברים כדי להתחיל.

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הגשות לסל הבריאות – מרץ 2023

גאים לשתף בהתרגשות שהגשנו 2 בקשות חשובות מאוד לסל הבריאות: 1. תקצוב משאבות חלב אם ברמת בית חולים (כמו אלו בפגיות) לכל אמא לפגים, על מנת לתמוך בצורה מלאה בשאיבה ומתן חלב אם גם אחרי שחרור, עד לביסוס הנקה. שם הטכנולוגיה הרפואית בעברית ובאנגלית:  משאבות

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What is important to know about recurrent premature birth

In the rest of the article, we will detail what is known about recurrent premature birth and what can be done to reduce the chances of recurrence. Premature birth results from a combination of factors. We know how to point out some of the risk factors, but even if you carry some of them, you will not necessarily give birth early. On the other hand, sometimes birth

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General Assembly - 2022

  The annual general meeting will be held on Zoom on Friday, 10/21/22, at 9:00 a.m. Association members are invited to attend the meeting. Get updated and be part of the action. Agenda: 09:00-09:15 - opening, introduction 09:15-09:30 - a little about what's been happening in Israel since the last meeting 09:30-10:00 - presentation of financial reports, verbal report and review + time for questions

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And who takes care of the parents - 2

So, as I wrote a bit in the previous post, when a premature baby is born, the parents are "thrown" into the world of miscarriages, often without preparation. All of a sudden like that. Many times without knowing this world at all. The hospitals provide an excellent medical response to premature babies. They are professional and experienced but by virtue of their role, they are focused on medical care but are not always aware

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Ziv my son

A girl whose story started several years ago, right after we got married we said we were trying - it will work, it won't work, it won't burn. Time started to run and nothing moved, in the examinations at the doctor it becomes clear that you need to undergo treatments. Terrified and scared, they start treatments with lots and lots of hope for success and then comes the first negative

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Two loader

How I came into the world Mother got pregnant in Recife (in Brazil) on the last night of the carnival. That's probably why I was a cheerful baby, and I danced for my mother in my belly the whole pregnancy. The mess started when mom was a little past the middle of the sixth month. On August 13 (Monday morning) mother came to the doctor with early labor, and after a visit

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Guy Dorfman

Guy Michael Dorfman was born at 29 weeks due to a complete placental abruption on 01/08/09. He underwent difficult diagnoses such as "cerebral palsy", "mental retardation" and more.... As of today, he is a completely normal child, developing nicely cognitively and is in a normal setting. Makes us happy every day!!!! Guy Michael was born at week 29 and was premature for two months. He was born due to

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Otani spring

Nine years ago, a spring burst into the air of the world into a mixture of uncertainty and fear of its ability to survive. Ma'ayan was born, by emergency surgery, at 30 weeks, weighing 1.140 g as a twin. Maayan's twin was born without being able to take a single breath outside. Maayan spent the first week of her life alone because I was

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Bad from a suburban scholar

On October 19, 2008, at 26+6 weeks, a routine check-up at the doctor's, high blood pressure, some swelling, suspicion of pre-eclampsia, sends me to the maternity ward. I arrived at "Assaf Harofeh" and an hour later it was decided to be hospitalized until further notice in the "Pregnancy at Risk" department, on November 7, 2008 at 29+4 weeks, my blood pressure decided to rise and it was decided to deliver me

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