
Parental rights of premature infants

On this page you will find details about the rights of parents of premature infants in the following areas:

  • Eligibility for vaccination against the RSV virus.
  • Entitlement to the extension of maternity leave and the possibility of splitting it.
  • Eligibility to use the parent's sick days due to a child's illness.
  • Ministry of Health circular on the follow-up and treatment of premature infants upon their release from hospitalization.
  • Eligibility for unemployment benefits
  • Entitlement to a disabled child's benefit
  • Eligibility regarding the development system.

Eligibility for vaccination against the RSV virus

The RSV virus is a common cause of respiratory diseases in babies. In premature babies and babies with severe heart and lung diseases, the risk of developing a severe disease from this virus with complications is higher than in other babies, so they are entitled to receive preventive treatment for the virus. The treatment is given every month (once a month on a predetermined date) in the months of November-March every year by injection, for the following babies:

Premature babies born up to week 32+6, if they are not yet one year old on the first of November in that winter season (a baby born after the first of November will also be vaccinated in the next season).

Premature babies born up to week 34+6 if they are not yet six months old on the first of November in the same season.

Babies, regardless of the week of birth, born under the weight of 1 kg - up to the age of one year.

Premature babies, who have chronic lung disease and need oxygen treatment - up to two years of age.

Premature infants, who have a lung disease that was diagnosed by a typical chest x-ray and clinical signs (BPD broncho-pulmonary dysplasia) at a corrected age of 36 weeks of pregnancy and who needed treatment with one of these: oxygen, diuretics, corticosteroids (steroids) or bronchodilators - up to the age of one year.

Babies, regardless of the week of birth, suffering from severe chronic lung disease - up to one year of age.

Babies who suffer from congenital heart disease and if one of the following conditions is met, up to the age of one year:

Infants receiving drug treatment for heart failure.

Infants with moderate to severe pulmonary hypertension.

Babies with cyanotic (cyanotic) heart disease.

The first injection will be given in the piggery close to release (in season only) and the rest will be given to the baby at the vaccination center to which he will be associated and invited. The association's RSV fund helps in additional cases - please follow the association's publications towards the beginning of the season. All children entitled to preventive treatment must continue to be given the preparation until the end of the RSV overactivity season.

For more information and questions - you can contact the pediatrician and the Lehab association.

Extension of maternity leave for mothers whose child is hospitalized

If the child born needs to stay in the hospital or return to hospitalization for at least 15 days (even if they are not consecutive), during the period of birth and parenting - you are entitled to extend the eligibility period and receive additional maternity benefits for the extension period:

If you are entitled to maximum maternity benefits - you can extend the eligibility period according to the number of days of hospitalization, but no more than 20 additional weeks.

If you are entitled to partial maternity benefits - you can extend the period of eligibility according to the number of days of hospitalization, but no more than 12 additional weeks.

Call center of the National Insurance Institute* 6050.

Submitting a request to extend or split the eligibility period:

In order to extend or split the eligibility period, a claim for extending or splitting maternity benefits must be submitted as early as possible by filling out an appropriate National Insurance form. (The claim can be submitted online through the institution's website/sent by mail/delivered to the reception clerk at the National Insurance Institution branch nearest to your place of residence/placed in the service box located outside the branch/send the claim with accompanying documents by fax)

The following documents must be attached to the claim form:

Confirmation from the hospital that includes the mother's or child's details and the time of hospitalization.

A hired worker - must attach a confirmation from the employer about the extension or splitting of the maternity and parenting period.

pay attention!
If you encounter a problem in obtaining your rights with the National Insurance, please contact us at the hotline number 03-9533935, and we will help you exercise your right.

Eligibility to use the parent's sick days due to a child's illness

According to the Sickness Pay (Absence Due to Child Illness) Law, 1993, an employee who has a child under the age of 16 with him is entitled to be credited due to his child's illness, at the expense of his accrued illness period, days of absence in number and conditions if one of the following occurred: (a) His spouse is an employee and is not absent from his work by virtue of his aforementioned entitlement, or his spouse is an independent employee who was not absent from his business or engaged in his trade during the days of the employee's absence - up to 8 days a year; (b) the child is in the sole custody of the employee, or the employee is a parent The child is alone - up to 16 days a year; in this law, "single parent" - as defined in the Single Parent Families Law, 1992.

The follow-up and treatment of complex and premature newborns upon their release from hospitalization to the community

In November 2016, the Ministry of Health issued a circular that regulates the follow-up and treatment of complex and premature children upon their release from hospitalization.

  1. General: One out of ten newborns born each year in Israel is treated in neonatal intensive care units. The duration of the hospitalization and the complexity of the accompanying morbidity are mainly influenced by the week of the newborn's pregnancy at birth, the birth weight and the complications of the pregnancy and delivery. The follow-up and treatment in the first months of life and support for complex newborns, including premature babies and their families, often include dealing with chronic illness and its complications. A complex or premature newborn who is released into the community after a long hospitalization has unique medical, developmental, nutritional and emotional needs, which impose a great physical and emotional burden on his parents and family. It has been proven that the environment in which the newborn grows up has a decisive influence on his long-term development. Interventions that include health monitoring, support and multidisciplinary professional accompaniment for the complex or premature newborn and his family may prevent co-morbidity, repeated hospitalizations and improve the development of the premature.
  2. Purpose: Defining standards for maintaining the continuity of care in the transition of the complex and premature newborn from hospitalization to the community, and determining the required follow-up of these newborns within the framework of the health funds, in addition to the follow-up in the child development institutes in the community and the milk drops.
  3. Definitions:

3.1. "Complex newborn": for this recurring matter, any premature baby born before week 32 (until week 31 6+ days), a newborn born with a birth weight below 1500 grams, or a newborn defined as such by a specialist neonatologist due to a disease that appeared during pregnancy, birth or during the subsequent hospitalization during the hospitalization.

3.2. "Normal premature" (not complex): for the purpose of this circular, a premature baby born from week 32 (0+32) to week 36 (6+35), a premature baby born with a birth weight of over 1500 grams and a premature baby that an expert neonatologist did not define as a complex premature baby.

3.3. "Pediatrician": a doctor specializing in pediatrics, as defined by law.

3.4. "Pegia": the department for intensive and special care for newborns and premature babies.

3.5. The health professions: physiotherapy, occupational therapy, communication clinics, nutrition, developmental psychology, social work.

  1. The sequence of care for the normal complex/premature newborn, in the transition between the hospital and the community.

4.1. It is the responsibility of the director of the preemie to guide the parents of the complex / normal preterm newborn, as close as possible to his hospitalization in the medie, to register him in the milk drop and the health fund, and to choose a pediatrician in the health fund, to whom the newborn will be associated. The daycare manager must explain to the parents the importance of early association, for the purpose of planning a future treatment sequence.

4.2. A summary of medical and nursing information about the complex newborn and the unique follow-up needs for him will be transmitted by the nurse through the contact body of the health insurance fund at the hospital to the doctor treating the insurance fund and the child development institute of the insurance fund in the district. The information will also be transmitted to the milk drop, in which the newborn will be treated. Said information will be transmitted at least A week before the intended release from Pagia.

4.3. Close to the release of the complex/normal premature newborn from the hospital, a preparatory meeting for the release will be held at the hospital. The meeting will be attended by:

4.3.1. In the complex newborn - the newborn's parents, the doctor who treats the baby, the nurse who treats the baby, a social worker, the liaison nurse of the insurance fund and the representative of the district health office (or a drop of milk nurse).

4.3.2. In the normal premature baby - the premature baby's parents, a doctor and a nurse who take care of the premature baby in the baby.

In the meeting, individual guidance will be given, in addition to that given by preterm nurses and/or health professionals, who took care of the complex / normal preterm newborn.

4.4. The recommendations in the discharge letter for the complex and normal premature newborn will include the details of the follow-up required in the community and the deadlines for its implementation

4.5. Before the transition to community care, there will be a documented medical meeting between the community pediatrician and the parents of the complex newborn. The meeting will be held at the HMO clinic based on the summary of the information that was sent to the HMO. The purpose of the meeting is joint planning of the reception of the newborn, which is complex for continued care in the community.

  1. The principles of follow-up required for the normal complex/premature newborn in the community

5.1. The responsibility of the health insurance fund

5.1.1. Overall responsibility for the required follow-up of the complex / normal premature newborn in the community.

5.1.2. Association of every complex/premature newborn with a specialist pediatrician, who will be responsible for the whole of follow-up and treatment.

5.1.3. Performing the required follow-up, including the proactive calls for the complex/normal premature newborn.

5.2. Pediatrician follow-up

5.2.1. The first meeting between the pediatrician and the normal/premature newborn will take place within two weeks of his discharge from the hospital (it is recommended to coordinate the visit during off-peak hours to prevent the newborn from contracting infectious diseases).

5.2.2. The follow-up required in the complex newborn will include at least six sessions during the first year and a half of his life. The meetings will take place proactively by summoning the newborn to the clinic.

5.2.3. A specialist pediatrician, who is a neonatologist or a doctor specializing in child development, may recommend to the pediatrician to reduce the frequency of spontaneous meetings with the complex newborn, if he has the impression that the newborn is under adequate follow-up at the Child Development Institute and the milk drop, provided that they do not conduct less than 3 spontaneous meetings during the first year and a half of his life.

5.2.4. The type of follow-up required for the normal premature baby will be determined after the first meeting with the pediatrician. Depending on the need, additional proactive meetings will be held.

5.2.5. Each follow-up meeting with the pediatrician will include:

Taking an anamnesis, a complete physical and neurological examination for early detection, follow-up and treatment of common morbidity in this population.

Growth assessment while examining the child's position on the growth curves.

Assessment of achievement of age-appropriate developmental milestones.

Adjusting a nutrition plan as needed.

Examination of receiving the required vaccinations (RSV, influenza, etc.).

A referral for audiological follow-up in accordance with what is stated in the Medical Director's Circular 2009/33 "Review test in newborns to detect newborns with hearing impairment".

G. The concentration of the results of the medical inquiries and the additional follow-ups, such as: a drop of milk, the development of the child, consultations of specialist doctors and the health professions.

5.3. Monitoring of the health professions

5.3.1. The follow-up at the health fund in the first month of the complex newborn's life will include a developmental examination by a physical therapist/occupational therapist who is knowledgeable in performing this assessment.

5.3.2. A normal preemie will be referred within three months for an examination by a physical therapist/occupational therapist subject to the medical recommendation of the preemie from which he was discharged or of the pediatrician at the health fund.

5.3.3 Evaluation and adjustment of a personal nutritional treatment plan by a nutritionist for the complex newborn will be carried out within one month of his discharge.

5.3.4. Evaluation and adjustment of a personal nutritional treatment plan by a nutritionist in the normal period will be carried out in accordance with the required medical urgency and at most within three months of his discharge from the hospital, in the following cases:

Nutritional monitoring was recommended upon his release from the hospital.

He was discharged from the hospital at a weight below the 10th percentile for corrected age.

Feeds on a special feed (any feed that is not breastfeeding or normal milk formula).

Suffers from eating/feeding difficulties (in this case, the premature infant should also be referred to a speech therapist for examination).

Gained weight less than 150 grams per week, during two consecutive weeks.

5.3.5. Families of complex newborns will be referred for evaluation by a social worker at the HMO, close to the newborn's release from the hospital.

5.3.6 The families of normal premature babies will be referred to a social worker's evaluation as needed.

5.4. Follow-up and treatment by other specialist doctors and other therapists from among the various health professions will be carried out subject to the need, as defined by the pediatrician and the therapists from the health professions.

Eligibility for unemployment benefits

A parent who is forced to stay at home with his premature baby after the period of maternity leave due to his health condition, may be entitled to unemployment benefits.

Application submission procedure:

Opening a case at the employment service - you can register on the website (it is important to register at the time when the work stoppage came into effect - after the end of the paid maternity leave period)

Sending an unemployment benefit claim form to the National Insurance.

Must be equipped with:

Confirmation from the employer on termination of employment/dismissal/departure.

Salary details - confirmation from the employer about the employment period and salary or payslips for 12 months out of the last 18 months preceding your first appearance at the employment service. Payslips for the last 6 months of work must be attached, including a payslip for the last month of work.

Medical certificate with a recommendation from a specialist doctor not to enter the frame due to a medical problem.

Entitlement to a disabled child's benefit

The treatment of premature babies in the first period after their birth involves a great therapeutic burden on the parents.

The National Insurance Institute recognizes the heavy treatment burden involved and participates in the family's financial expenses to facilitate the child's upbringing, and to enable the family as much as possible to lead a normal lifestyle while the child is in the bosom of the family and the community, and therefore, babies born before the 33rd week or with a birth weight of less than 1,750 Caused are entitled to a disabled child's benefit starting from the fourth month after their birth and for 6 months.

Application submission procedure:

You must fill out a claim form for a disabled child's benefit from the National Insurance website and in the section "Details about the child's medical condition" you must write "Prematurity".

Attach relevant medical documents (such as a discharge letter from the hospital) to the claim form.

The claim is filed at the branch of the National Insurance Institute near the child's place of residence.

You can also send the claim by mail, fax or in the service box of the branch.

There is also the option of sending an online claim form on the website to which the documents and certificates will be attached as files.

Please note that if it is found that you are entitled to a disabled child benefit, you may also be entitled to:

  • Discounts on paying bills - property tax, water, electricity, Bezek.
  • Rehabilitation day care.
  • disabled certificate
  • Receiving service without an appointment.
  • Income support benefit in certain cases.
  • Benefits in certain tax payments.
  • Of course, each case must be examined individually.

Eligibility regarding the development system

The development system in Israel consists of three main levels:

  • Institutes and units for child development
  • suppliers in the agreement
  • An array of private health professionals.

The institutes for child development deal with the diagnosis and treatment of children with severe and more complex developmental problems. The institutes have a team of professional personnel in all areas of child development: specialist doctors, health professions workers: speech therapists, physical therapy and occupational therapy. Therapists in the psycho-social service: psychology and social work. And in addition consultants in the relevant fields of medicine such as dietitians, geneticists, orthopedists, ophthalmologists and more. The developmental units: usually referred to children's units after being diagnosed in child development institutes. In the units there is a team of professionals in the fields of child development who mainly deal with treatment. Any premature child with a developmental problem, who needs special care from one professional, must receive the care at an institute or a developmental unit. The LAH association works for professional and uniform prematurity monitoring for all preterm infants in Israel, the recommendation is to apply for developmental monitoring at an institute or a unit recognized by the Ministry of Health.

If a parent chooses to contact a private party - a "qualified professional party" must be contacted if he is a licensed professional (physiotherapist, occupational therapist, communication therapist, dietitian/nutritionist, psychologist, social worker). This is a therapist with an agreement with a valid license from the Ministry of Health.

And according to the Ministry of Health's circular, you need at least two years of experience working in the field of child development in a framework recognized by the Ministry of Health. Regarding private therapists who are not recognized by the Ministry of Health, there is no guidance and no control.

Eligibility before her for follow-up as part of the child development system

Premature babies born at 32 weeks of pregnancy or less and/or whose weight is less than 1.5 kg are in a risk group and the recommendation is early referral to the Child Development Institute, where the maximum waiting time for receiving a diagnosis and starting treatment together (from the moment of receiving the premature birth from a doctor) is up to two months waiting in the year of life The first. The second group of premature babies born at 33 weeks of pregnancy and/or weighing more than 1.5 kg will be referred based on the pediatrician's recommendation, where the maximum waiting time for receiving a diagnosis and starting treatment together (from the moment of receiving the referral from a doctor) is up to three months of waiting in The first life. Despite the above, according to the Community Prematurity Circular (pages 40-42), a prematurity that is defined as "complex" is referred to physical therapy/occupational therapy and a dietician within a month of release from prematurity, so it is recommended to contact the pediatrician and exercise your right.

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