
Questions and answers - before birth

The pregnancy has progressed and the birth is approaching but there is the fear of premature birth for one reason or another....
A number of questions and answers are presented herewith in order to help and give an initial answer on the subject.
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How can premature birth be prevented? (show)
The best way to prevent a premature birth (or to prolong the pregnancy as much as possible) is to be closely monitored and listen to the doctor's instructions. Apart from this, there are several products on the market that try to detect early infection or loss of amniotic fluid, thus enabling early detection of the danger of premature birth - and prolonging it accordingly (by preserving the pregnancy, timely drug treatment, and so on).

What are the causes of premature birth? (show)
The possible reasons for premature birth are many and varied, and not all of them are known to us.
Preeclampsia, bicornuate structure of the uterus, infection in the uterus, loss of amniotic fluid, pregnancy with multiple fetuses and more - all these are possible causes of premature birth.

What is the animal limit and the treatment limit? (show)
The animal limit is the 22nd week of pregnancy - although there have been extremely rare cases in the world in which premature babies were born and survived a few days before (the end of the 21st week).
It is important to note that in many cases the day of conception itself is not known with certainty and it is possible to miscalculate the week of birth. In Israel - premature babies born up to week 22 + 6 are not considered viable and the Ministry of Health assumed that there is no obligation to treat them intensively unless they show clear signs of being alive.
Premature babies born from week 23 to week 23+6 are entitled to the presence of a pediatrician at birth - if their parents request it.
Starting at week 24, a pediatrician must be present at the birth and it is mandatory to perform any action to save life.

I'm afraid of a hurt child - what can I do about it? (show)
Pregnancy is always a "cat in the bag".
There are no promises and no guarantees. Premature birth is of course more "dangerous" due to the immaturity of the newborn and the need for intensive treatments (some more and some less). Here too - we are talking about statistics.
There are premature babies born in early weeks whose condition is good and better, and there are children born on time whose fate did not improve them.
In principle - you can submit an application to the committee to terminate a pregnancy, but fear of premature birth and an injured child (which is not supported by high percentages of evidence) may not pass the committee.
So the best thing a parent can do is pray and wait. Every moment in the womb is extremely significant and the difference, for example, between the beginning of the 24th week of pregnancy and its end may be like the difference between heaven and earth.

How to choose a preemie? (show)
This is a very difficult question.
Proximity to the home is significant - especially if the family has additional children to take care of. There are many variables in determining the appropriate stage but for the most part they cannot be estimated in advance. It is almost impossible to choose a preterm based on one variable or another.
If personnel - then the specific person or people may be sick or just go on vacation, if they choose due to lack of crowding in prematurity - then this is also a variable figure that we have no way of predicting in advance.
Because of this, a premature birth does not leave us, for the most part, time to prepare in advance for the birth. We recommend going to the hospital where the regular follow-up is carried out, or the follow-up doctor works there, or the one closest to home. In rare cases it is possible to prepare for premature delivery in advance and then we recommend the future mother to take our questionnaire and present it to several hospitals.
Based on the answers you will receive, you will be able to make a more informed decision, but again - due to the multitude of variables and the inability to anticipate them, we recommend that everyone decide what are the most important things to them - and decide accordingly.

I have a triplet pregnancy. Should you prepare for a stay in Fegia? (show)
The answer is much more yes than no.
Although there are cases in which a triplet pregnancy ended on time, the chances of this are not high, so we recommend that you prepare for a stay at term.

I am pregnant with twins. Do I have to prepare for a premature stay? (show)
The answer is yes- and no.
Yes - because statistically a twin pregnancy ends at the 35th week of pregnancy, which means - in prematurity. And no - because the statistics balance out.
Meaning - for every twin pregnancy that ends at the 30th week, there is a twin pregnancy that ends at the 40th week and therefore may not need the delivery services.

What is prematurity? (show)
Prematurity - or in its full name - special care for newborns and infants - is the department that provides the necessary care for newborns who need care beyond the usual at birth.
8 percent of those born (about 13,000 newborns per year) are born before their time and therefore need delivery services.
In addition to them, there are another 3 percent of the total number of births (about 5,000 newborns per year) who need midwifery services due to problems or defects that they have.
A total of over 18,000 newborns per year pass through 24 premature births across the country - over 11% of the total number of births per year.

What is expired? (show)
Premature is a newborn who was born prematurely (week 37 of pregnancy or less) or who was born with a birth weight of less than two kg.

From what week of pregnancy can a premature baby survive? guide (show)
Their number in Israel is constantly increasing, but life is not easy for a premature baby living in an incubator instead of in his mother's womb, and some of them will even suffer from medical problems for the rest of their lives.
In preparation for International Prematurity Day, we have prepared a special guide for everything you need to know about premature babies. Every year, approximately 16,000 premature babies are born, babies born before the 37th week of pregnancy.
In Israel, this is about a tenth of all births.
And so, instead of continuing to develop in their mother's womb, premature babies come out when their bodies are still fragile and not ready for the outside world and are at risk of serious illness and medical complications.
Some do not last long and die in the hospital or suffer severe disability.,7340,L-4298623,00.html

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