
at home

How much have you dreamed of this moment, getting up in the morning, staying in your pajamas, bending over the crib and seeing your baby. Tidying up the room, buying baby products, buying clothes - all these are behind you, and you are one step away from full-time parenthood. Just take him in your arms and be just you, together, at home, at your own pace and in your own silence, without beeping monitors and confirmations from the nurses. At home, it soon becomes clear to you that you are not "normal" parents like parents of a baby born on time. Many premature babies still need various treatments, supervision and monitoring and many more than children born on time. Most of the time, you are perceived by those around you as a bit more "hysterical" parents, more concerned about his safety and health, his development and nutrition. You are subject to the limitations and instructions you received in Pagia and are forced to attend more follow-ups. Learn to filter out "noises", listen to your intuition and the instructions you received in Pagia. In any case, we have collected some advice for the first period at home:

Exposure to the world

One of the first pieces of advice that parents usually receive before being released from the hospital is not to be exposed to large crowds, closed crowded places (such as shopping malls), children and the elderly, and certainly not to someone who is sick. In spite of our strong desire to act as if the baby is a part of the past and once the child is freed he is just like any other child, this may be an illusion. The premature baby is at a high risk level for various health problems. Do not hesitate to explain this to the relatives who want to visit and even if it seems to you that they do not understand, it is better to have an offended aunt for two weeks than a child in intensive care.

It is definitely recommended, depending on the weather, to go for a walk, in the fresh air, in the street or in the garden.

Be first or last

Whether at a drop of milk or at the private doctor or the health fund, the first or last visitors are less exposed to other patients. Find out in advance if it is possible to arrive first. It should be remembered that this option is more available in a drop of milk and in cases of meetings with the pediatrician this appointment will not always be available. Again, this is the place to coordinate expectations with the pediatrician, explain how anxious you are about the issue (especially in cases of extreme prematurity, low weight, chronic lung disease, etc.) Don't forget that the doctors are aware and understand the danger of infections in premature babies, talk to them and discuss the issue. There are doctors who will be available for you by phone and will be able to save you a visit or free up a special time in cases where the situation requires or allows. Don't forget - sometimes there will be times when this option simply won't be available, it's stressful, it can cause anxiety, but when you need a doctor's examination - you have to come.

Primary nutrition

Breast milk is the best and most suitable food for the baby's needs. If the mother was able to pump and breastfeed in the bottle, the assumption is that you will continue to do so at home as well. There are quite a few cases of women who were not able to breastfeed in the nursery, but in the calmness of the pavilion, managed to breastfeed even with premature babies who were born at extremely low weights and weeks. Sometimes several different types of bottles are needed until you reach the most convenient bottle for the child, therefore you can find out which bottle and nipple the baby used and initially find similar substitutes, we recommend in the first step to buy a small amount of bottles of different types and when you find the bottle the child likes - use it. Try to reach some sort of agreement with the store regarding returning unused bottles and getting a credit for them. There are preemies who allow and even ask for bottles to be brought "from home" and that's how you can get used to it

Wean the baby to a certain type of bottle and continue it even after discharge. Be sure to continue with Fegaia's instructions regarding nutrition, if you received them - combining bottles with breastfeeding, giving a supplement, or any other instructions. Do not forget to continue to monitor and consult with the pediatrician regarding any changes in diet and guidance, according to the need and growth of the baby. You can read more about breastfeeding and nutrition in separate chapters.

"Liberation" party, Hodya, Brit/e

As a general recommendation, it is better not to expose the premature baby to a large number of people, young children or the elderly. Of course, it depends on the condition of the premature baby, his age, etc. However, many parents are interested in a celebration in order to mark the liberation, to celebrate the alliance, to feel "normal"; Try to see everyone at once and not let too many lonely people into the house. Consult the Pagya doctors and the family doctor on this issue. Sometimes you will receive conflicting advice, but this is where your responsibility as parents actually comes into being. There are no more doctors to decide for you. There are only recommendations, and sometimes you will have to choose between different recommendations. This is not an easy task, but we are confident that you will reach the right decisions for you and your children.

Traces of a drop of milk

Before the discharge or immediately after it, contact the nearest milk drop to your place of residence (at the health fund or at the stations belonging to the Ministry of Health). Ask Tipat Halav nurse to make an appointment for you for the coming week. You will go there in the coming years to vaccinate the baby and monitor its growth and development. Make the appointment for the opening or closing time, to avoid exposing the premature baby to other people and babies, for fear of contracting diseases. As part of a national project, a number of milk drop nurses have undergone dedicated training on premature babies, it is recommended to ask for a nurse who has undergone appropriate training in your area of residence.

Important information for parents

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