
The complete Pagya dictionary

There are so many new concepts to recognize as parents of premature babies... in order to make it a little easier, we have summarized the main concepts for you:


A transparent helmet that concentrates oxygen in the area of the premature head.

HMF (Human Milk Fortifier) \ BPF (Breast Milk Fortifier)

A food supplement mixed with breast milk (equivalent to the term BMF) and provides additional calcium, phosphate, vitamins, protein and more, to prevent rickets and other deficiencies.


A medical accessory that maintains a controlled temperature and environmental oxygen and protects the premature baby from infections. The closest they managed to invent to our womb.

Anemia Anemia

Anemic - low level of hemoglobin/hematocrit.

Ambo Ambo

Manual breathing mask. It is used for babies who need ventilation when moving from the delivery room/laboratory or for babies whose condition suddenly deteriorates.


A pause in breathing that lasts more than 20 seconds or a pause for a shorter time that is accompanied by coughing and a drop in heart rate. A known phenomenon in premature babies due to the immaturity of the respiratory control center in the brain.

RDS (Respiratory Distress Syndrome

A syndrome that describes the respiratory condition of a baby born with breathing difficulties. The syndrome manifests itself in breathing difficulties, and sometimes also as diarrhoea, and the baby will need respiratory support with oxygen and possibly even artificial respiration. Almost all premature babies born under 28 weeks are born with the syndrome, compared to about 20% premature babies born between 32 and 36 weeks.

Blood gas test

Blood test showing oxygen, carbon dioxide and pH levels.

Bilirubin Bilirubin

The breakdown product of red blood cells. High levels of bilirubin cause jaundice. In babies and premature babies it is not an infectious disease.

BPD (Broncho Pulmonary Dysplasia

Long-term lung disease resulting from a combination of premature births, ventilator therapy and oxygen therapy. The more extreme the miscarriage or the longer and heavier the ventilator treatment, the greater the risk of disease.


Decreased heart rate. A well-known phenomenon in low-weight premature babies.

Capillary gas

Filling a capillary (a thin glass tube with blood) and testing gases with a special device into which the capillary is inserted.

Chronological age

The age as counted from the date of birth (see: corrected age).

Corrected age

The age counted from the day when the birth was supposed to occur. Meaning, according to the revised age, a premature baby was born at an age minus a few weeks. For example: a premature born one month before the due date, on the day the birth was supposed to occur, his chronological age is one month, and the corrected age is 0. A month later, his chronological age is two months, and the corrected age is one month, etc.

Patent Ductus Arteriosus

A blood vessel near the heart, which normally closes at birth. In premature babies, it may remain open. In most cases, the phenomenon can be treated with medication or surgery.


Testing the blood glucose (sugar) level at the patient's bedside.

Hydrocephalus Hydrocephalus

accumulation of fluid in the brain. In the world of miscarriages it is usually caused by a high degree of cerebral hemorrhage.

the soul

An aid that helps the premature baby to breathe. There are different forms of the soul.

Warmer Warmer

A heating cradle without providing oxygen that is used for premature babies who need help maintaining body heat.

Zonda Zonda

A feeding tube that is inserted through the mouth or nose and reaches the stomach.


An infection is a condition in which a premature infant becomes ill, and the disease is caused by an infectious agent - mainly bacteria or viruses. The infection can be local - for example, an infection in the lungs, an infection at the site of the infusion, an infection in the gastrointestinal tract, or it can be in the blood - then it is called a systemic infection ( Infectious disease is a life-threatening condition in a preemie because the immune system of preemies is immature, so until an answer is received as to which infection it is, they are usually treated with a cocktail of antibiotics.

Mother milk

The best food for premature babies. It was found that feeding the premature baby with breast milk significantly reduces the risk of NEC. Sometimes the breast milk is enriched with additives for premature babies (nature does not produce breast milk especially for premature babies). Breast milk can be pumped.


The increase in heart rate over 200 beats per minute (normal heart rate is 100-160 per minute).


A tube inserted through the mouth or nose into the trachea and its function is to flow air into the preterm and let him breathe.

TPN - Total Parenteral Nutrition

A feeding method in which the nutrients are delivered by infusion directly into a vein and not through the digestive system.

NICU - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Premature intensive care. The "professional" name for a faggot. Unfortunately, most premature babies in Israel are defined as "special treatment" only due to the system's desire to save on personnel standards and thus on costs. The first important issue for change for premature babies in Israel.


A sticker with the name of the premature baby is affixed to each test and medication. It is strongly recommended to check in the corner of the eye that there is a match.

Lactation instructor and lactation consultant

A lactation consultant has been trained for about three years and has experience in counseling and training on breastfeeding. A breastfeeding instructor underwent several days of training.

Monitor Monitor

A device for testing various indicators, such as: breathing rate, blood pressure and the percentage of oxygen in the blood. When a certain index is measured below or above the set value - the monitor warns of this and starts beeping.


The contents of the fetal intestine coming out in the first stools. Its color is shiny green-black.


Every baby loses weight in its first days. With Peg, every gram is important and therefore Peg is weighed several times a week and sometimes daily.


Specialist in neonatal and premature medicine.

NEC (necrotizing EnteroColitis

A life-threatening disease of premature infants in which necrosis of the intestine is caused.

The causes of the disease are not quite clear, but two things are clear:

  1. The more extreme the miscarriage, the greater the chance of injury.
  2. Feeding a premature baby with only breast milk significantly lowers the risk of contracting the disease.

The immediate treatment is usually stopping the economy. In the event that there is no benefit as a result of stopping the economy, they may even end up with surgery. The diagnosis of the disease is carried out by taking an x-ray of the intestine.


The percentage of oxygen saturation in the blood. is a measure of the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood. In healthy babies and also in adults, the normal saturation is 97% to 100%. In premature infants, it was found that the ideal storation is between 85% and 95%. A Peg who fails to maintain the saturation on his own is helped to achieve this measure by enriching his environment with oxygen.

CMV - CytoMegaloVirus

A virus best known as one of the causes of the "kissing disease". In the world of miscarriages, it is associated with damage to the fetus as a result of intrauterine infection. Such an infection may be caused when a woman who has not been infected with the virus before, becomes infected with it for the first time during pregnancy. Only 10% of the embryos infected with the virus will have any damage. The significant injuries are intrauterine growth retardation, premature birth, small head circumference, and damage to the auditory nerve - which is the most common.

CPAP - Continuous Positive Air Pressure

A device that provides respiratory support with the help of positive air pressure. It is usually used as a transitional stage in weaning from the ventilator.

Suction session

Suctioning secretions from the respiratory tract or stomach using a tube.

Photo Photo

Special light therapy, which helps newborns with jaundice in their first days of life to deal with the disease.

Flo "FLOW" (oxygen glasses)

Nickname for the easiest respiratory support method, which comes after the tube and CPAP. The air, enriched with oxygen percentages very close to those of room air, slowly flows to him through tiny holes in the tube that is placed just below the nostrils.

Colostrum Colostrum

החלב הראשוני. נוזל סמיך שהאמא מפרישה ביממות הראשונות. מכונה החיסון הראשון של התינוק. הרכבו ייחודי וכמותו קטנה בהתאמה לצרכי היילוד.

Kangaroo Kangaroo

A "skin-to-skin" hugging method that was found to be effective in improving the development of the premature baby and strengthening the bond between him and the parent. With this method, the premature baby (with the pipes and wires) is placed naked on the mother's body or on the father's body with their upper body exposed, and the premature baby is covered with a blanket.

Caffeine Caffeine

A drug used to treat breathing pauses typical of premature babies. Another drug is aminophylline.

Reflux Reflux

Return of stomach contents into the esophagus due to improper and complete closure of the valve between the esophagus and stomach. The phenomenon is usually benign and passes over time. If the phenomenon repeats itself several times a day, a pediatrician should be consulted.

washing hands

A base rule before touching the premature baby, in order to protect it from infections. Hand washing should be with an antiseptic, i.e. Spatol (the blue one, does not require washing with water) or Spatol-Scrub (the red one, requires washing with water). In some premature babies, a thorough brushing of the fingers and nails is also required.

Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)

A disease that affects the eyes in especially young premature babies. In this disease there is an abnormal development of blood vessels in the retina, which in extreme cases causes retinal detachment and complete blindness. In the case of babies who are at risk, it is very important to follow up from week 32 onwards or after 5 weeks from birth (the later of the two), and according to the frequency determined by the ophthalmologist.

Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt (VP Shunt)

A tube that drains fluid from the brain into the abdominal cavity.

Freezer bags

Special sterile bags designed to keep the milk in the freezer after pumping (can be frozen at home for up to three months, but from the moment of thawing can be used for up to 24 hours, during which time the bag must be stored in the refrigerator). Although not every Pagya allows the use of bags, they are highly recommended and make it easier for the mother.


* Thanks to Dr. Neta Weiss who helped update and clarify the medical concepts.

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