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The Association for Premature Babies in Israel, (LAHB), is mobilizing to supply 15,000 personal coolers, one for each new mother, who needs to transport breast milk from her home to the premature baby in the hospital

The Association for Premature Infants in Israel, LB, Currently collecting donations for the continued supply of breast milk coolers for premature babies. The cooler project has been going on for over 11 years. Every year, the association provides 15,000 coolers, as the number of premature births every year. 1 out of 10 newborns in Israel was born prematurely. The current campaign is aimed at purchasing 3,000 coolers.

Breast milk is the most suitable food for premature babies. Breast milk protects premature babies from infectious diseases, and from digestive system complications that endanger their lives. In the preterm ward, breast milk is treated as nothing less than medicine. In most preemies in the State of Israel, the mother is allowed to bring milk, which is pumped at home, when the family adheres to adequate pumping and transportation conditions. The association helps in the process by providing a personal cooler to each mother.


Rumi Shouri, CEO of the LHB association: "The milk coolers project is one of the oldest projects of the association. My daughter, Leah, was born prematurely at 29 weeks, weighing 768 grams. I still remember the cooler, which I received at Pega 11 years ago, to transport her breast milk, which was the only thing I could really do for her. Besides being there, talking, strengthening, putting my hands all over her tiny body, wrapping her head in my little hand and simply believing that she is stronger than anything, my hero. At the beginning of the project, the association would send a quantity of coolers to preemies, and the parents would receive them for use during the preterm delivery, and return them at the end. As part of changes and thinking about additional ways to prevent infections, the most important goal, and in order to reach the parents, stay with them, and leave them a small souvenir with the possibility of contacting the association, we decided to instruct the preemies not to ask for the coolers back, and the parents can continue to use them at home as well. In Israel, about 15,000 premature babies are born each year, and this is more or less the amount of coolers we purchase each year. Unfortunately, we have not yet found a large body to sponsor the project, and every year we are forced to raise money anew, in order to continue purchasing the coolers for the sake of premature babies in Israel and not to stop the important project e This".

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