
Premature nutrition - Zoom lecture

The meeting we've been waiting for is finally happening.

As part of the association's activities, we try to provide you with as much relevant information as possible.

We found that there is one subject, which is the broad common denominator for the concerns of most parents of premature babies, and that is nutrition.
Still in infancy and certainly in the transition to solids.

We invite you to a Zoom meeting with Lauren Ben Yehuda, a clinical dietician, who cares for babies and children and an expert in premature infants.

Lauren is in charge of premature nutrition in the neonatal intensive care unit at the Schneider Pediatric Center.


What should we talk about?

About everything you wanted to know about premature nutrition!

  • On the transition from Pagya to the community
  • on feeding difficulties
  • on breastfeeding premature babies
  • beyond solids

Lauren will answer questions of course.


The meeting will take place on August 3 at 09:30.

The cost to participate is NIS 50 per family.

We will share with you that 20% of the revenue is a donation to our association.
So that we can continue to act with all our might for you and for your premature babies.


We will be happy to see you,

LAH team and Loren Ben Yehuda.


Important information for parents

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