
What is important to know after birth and during pregnancy

Dear parents, your child was born prematurely. Whether it was expected, whether it was preceded by hospitalization in the high-risk pregnancy department, or whether it all happened suddenly, you can't really prepare parents for a premature birth!

We have collected some advice for you for the first moments:

Addressing the mother after the birth - request a private room, or a room with other premature mothers, if possible. Make a big sign: "There is no baby here!!! Please do not disturb!!!" And hang it on the door to ward off troublemakers and agents of all kinds. If there are no private rooms, you can request to move to the women's ward or the high-risk pregnancy ward. In any case, don't hesitate to try and ask. Many premature babies are born every day, and in most hospitals the staff try to show sensitivity and help as much as possible, according to the availability of rooms. The LAH association is working to establish binding standards in this matter.

If you have not been given a preliminary tour of the hospital, ask the nurse on duty or the doctor to conduct one for you. Make sure you know the hygiene rules, the visiting hours, the telephone numbers of the midwife, the parking arrangements and it is important that you find out if there is and where the parents' room and the milk pumping room are located.

Devote the first few days to acclimatization and learning the laws and customs of the Pagiya. Write down the phone numbers of the premature baby, the doctor's visit hours, the feeding times (for parents of older premature babies) and the bathing and weighing times. Yes, it's hard to take in all the information at once, but the staff and other parents at Pagia will be happy to remind you and guide you again.

Talk to other parents and learn from their experience (about the nurses' activities, doctor's visiting hours, etc.). The more you know, the easier it will be for you to start adjusting to the situation, which may take a long time.

In the first days, it is difficult for the woman who gives birth to cope alone with all the procedures of the puerperium. It is desirable to have someone with her who can lend a supportive shoulder and receive information from the team. Despite the explanations given to the parents, not everything is internalized at first, and even if you want to, it is not possible to immediately deal with the multitude of new emotions and information.

It is important to emphasize, in any issue of a problem or distress that you have not resolved with the Pagya team, please contact us using one of the methods listed on the back of the brochure.

Important information for parents

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