
2013 Prematurity Day families event schedule

The Lehab Association - For Premature Infants in Israel is pleased to invite you to a family event on the occasion of Prematurity Day

The event will take place on Friday 29.11.2013
Between the hours of 09:00 and 14:00
At the open space farm in Kfar Shmuel

-The event is closed to registered participants only-
Below is the planned schedule for the event:
09:00-10:00 Gathering and refreshments
10:00-10:15 Opening words - Romi Shavari - Chairman of the association
10:15-10:30 Dr. Shmuel Tsangan - Chairman of the Association of Neonatologists
10:30-11:00 Dr. Ofer Komarovsky - horse veterinarian and manager of the Open Space Farm.
A lecture on therapeutic cycling.
11:00-11:30 Yael Shemaya, Ms.c, RD. Pediatric dietician, specializing in premature babies and children with special needs. She works at the "Haemek" nursery and at the premature follow-up clinic at the Child Development Institute in Tel Hashomer. Lecture on preterm nutrition: eating, feeding and growth after release from prematurity - the first years.
11:30-12:00 Hadva Erez, MscPT certified physiotherapist, specialist in premature babies and child development, treats at the clinic in Tzur Yigal, lectures at Wingate Beshayim and to pediatricians and nurses Tipto Halab, instructor of physiotherapists, kindergarteners and teachers in the Ministry of Education.
A lecture on the sensorimotor aspect in the development of preterm infants in Phegi and after release.
12:00-12:30 Dr. Omer Bar Yosef, pediatric neurologist, Safra Children's Hospital, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer
A lecture on the medical treatment of prematurity and complications of childbirth (with an emphasis on development), milestones and warning signs.
12:30 Free questions from parents - expert forum.
Other activities that will take place: inflatables, crafting, shapes from balloons, petting corners and a horse and cart.
Photo illustration.
For those who register in advance - horse riding experience
(with a nominal fee of NIS 60 for 20 minutes with a personal guide)
Looking forward to seeing you!

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