שני לודר

How did I come into the world?

A mother got pregnant in Recife (in Brazil) on the last night of the carnival. That's probably why I was a cheerful baby, and I danced for my mother in my belly the whole pregnancy.

The mess started when mom was a little past the middle of the sixth month. On August 13 (Monday morning) mother came to the doctor with early labor, and after visiting the Ichilov hospital for a few hours, she was sent to the "Wolfson" hospital for hospitalization (because there was only room in the hospital).

אמא שכבה במחלקת נשים כמעט שבועיים עם צירים, עד שביום שבת, ה- 25.8, בשעה 1:00 לפנות בוקר החלטתי לצאת החוצה. הוציאו אותי בניתוח קיסרי (שהיה ניתוח חירום – את אבא גירשו מהחדר), וד"ר ענת (חברה שלי מהפגייה) הכניסה אותי לאקווריום גדול (אינקובטור) ולקחה אותי (ואת אבא) לפגיה.

In Fegia they were very enthusiastic about me. I was terribly beautiful, I didn't have a "face of a Peg" as Gina (another friend of mine from there) said. I weighed exactly one kilo!!!

At first I was alone. Then I got a little tired, and they helped me with the respirator, but only a little.

Father visited me many times in the morning, mother only came in the afternoons, and since then they have not stopped coming (mother would pump milk for me, and bring me food every morning, evening and sometimes at night as well).

ביום ראשון ב- 11:00 בבוקר התחלתי עוד פעם לנשום לבד. מצד שני, היתה לי קצת צהבת – אז הדליקו לי אור באקווריום ושמו לי משקפיים מספוג כחול (דווקא כשהתחלתי לפתוח את העיניים). אחרי כמה ימים גם זה עבר.

At first I lost weight. On Tuesday I weighed only 826 grams. The lowest I've gotten. From there I started climbing. I was a quiet and cute baby (in Pagya they call it "calm, alert and vital").

At the age of 10 days (4.9 days) I already weighed almost a kilo. They took me out of intensive care for premature babies (room 1), and transferred me to the room for normal premature babies (room 2). Besides, I started eating with a syringe through a probe (from the nose straight to the stomach).

כשהגעתי חזרה למשקל של קילו כבר נתנו לאבא ואמא להחזיק אותי – אבל רק פעם אחת ביום, לעשר דקות. אני חייבת להודות שהעסק די מצא חן בעיני.

What I didn't like so much was the pacifier. Dad and mom insisted on shoving it in my mouth all the time, and I kept throwing it out. Father and mother were (then) a bit stronger than me, and several times I had to surrender.

I was in room 2 for about a month. At the age of 5 and a half weeks (2.10) I already weighed 1,586 grams and they moved me to the room for advanced premature babies (room 3). Father and mother have already been allowed to hold me as long as they want.

After 5 days in room 3 (7.10) they let me eat a little from a bottle. Father and mother would come to feed me (with mother's milk). At first I would get tired very quickly, and I could not finish all the food. Besides, I ate N-W-R-A slowly.

אחרי שבוע (14.10) הוציאו לי את הזונדה והכריחו אותי לאכול בעצמי את הכל. לא היתה לי ברירה – אבל עדיין המשכתי לאכול מעט ולאט.

למחרת הוציאו אותי מהאינקובטור לעריסה, לבדוק אם אני מצליחה לשמור על חום גוף. לא כל כך הצלחתי. אחרי יומיים התחלתי לעשות בעיות – והחזירו אותי לאינקובטור.

After two more days in the incubator, on Saturday morning (20.10) I was taken out again. This time I behaved well, and in the afternoon they already took me out of the prematurity and transferred me to the room of the normal babies (they are called "sucklings").

On Sunday, 10/21, in the afternoon I said goodbye to the "Wolfson" hospital, to the friends in the pediatrics and the mammal department, and went home.

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