
Questions and answers - in Pagia

During the preterm period, many questions arise, many concerns arise and countless doubts...
A number of questions and answers are presented herewith in order to help and give an initial answer on the subject.
We would be happy to hear suggestions for additional topics that you thought were missing on the site.

Who is allowed to visit a premature baby? (hide)
In principle - due to the fear of infections - only father and mother.
Practical - many preemies allow visits with variable frequency for brothers and sisters, and grandparents.
The pre-term birth policy should be investigated and understood that a refusal on the subject is not arbitrary but is intended to ensure the safety of our children.

What are all the terms and names? Is there a medical dictionary that will help us? (show)
Entering the world of the terms and concepts of Pagya can be a difficult task.
In order to make it easier for you, we have brought an abbreviated dictionary of main terms.
You can find it at the end of the association's aid brochure - link to the RSV brochure

Can I insist and stay in the room while taking care of my children? (hide)
According to the Patient's Rights Law, you are considered the guardian of the premature infant and you are entitled to accompany your children during the medical procedures.
This is to exclude cases where the staff thinks that your presence may interfere with the normal operation or that at the same time an operation is being carried out at another stage and due to the individual's modesty, the staff asks you to leave.
But as a rule - you are responsible for your children and usually you will be allowed to stay with him.

Am I entitled to a parking arrangement at the hospital? (show)
There is an obligation for all government hospitals to allow completely free parking,
However, the hospitals owned by the General Hospital Fund are not subject to this obligation.
In most cases, you should contact the social worker on the matter.

Click here for the official publication of the Knesset's information center on the 2010 issue
This table has been updated by the contacts that the Lehab association places in all preemies in Israel.

Enter for more information from the Kal-Zekot website regarding the exemption from parking in hospitals 2011

Go to the circular of the Director of Medicine - Ministry of Health 2011

What is the importance of maintaining hygiene at the entrance to the department? (hide)
Hygiene is the most important issue in prematurity because infections are the number one enemy of our children.
You must keep the instructions of the Pagiya team on washing hands, wearing robes and more from every shift.
Also, the issue of limiting the amount and type of visitors is also significant.

Can I request a transfer to another term? (show)
If for some reason you do not want your child to continue to be hospitalized in the current prematurity, you can demand that he be transferred to another prematurity as long as he can be transferred without harming his medical condition.
In order to do so, you need a pre-school that will agree to accept your child (you must contact them yourself and ask) and then - you need the approval (in writing or in writing) of the director of the pre-school to which you wish to transfer and transfer him to the current director of the pre-school.
If you encounter any problems on the subject, do not hesitate to contact the LHB association

What is a "kangaroo" and what can I do? (hide)
The kangaroo is a parenting method that was discovered due to a lack of incubators in Colombia and the use of the parent as a "human" incubator.
This is how it was discovered that body-to-body contact clearly improves the indices of the newborn and throughout the western world they started to introduce this technique in addition to the traditional treatment.
In Israel - most premature babies and most nurses support the "kangaroo" treatment, but there may still be cases of resistance due to ignorance or lack of understanding.
In these cases, we recommend that you print from the list of the following articles and expose the nurse/doctor to data that he is not familiar with, thereby improving not only the care of your children but also those who come after him:

When will we be released home? (show)
This is of course the "million dollar question".
First - remember that every child is unique and if one child was released under certain conditions, this does not mean anything about a second child. Second - there are basic conditions that the child must fulfill and they are:
A. independent breathing
B. Maintaining body heat
third. independent eating
Third - there are conditions that the newborn's family must fulfill, and these are:
A. Basic care ability (diaper changing, feeding, bathing)
B. Specific handling capacity - according to the newborn's requirements, if there are premature births, in order to be released, the family must present the safety seat with which they will take their child out of the hospital.
For the most part, meeting these requirements occurs around two kg of weight and around the 37th week of pregnancy (so to speak).
Of course, there may be fluctuations in weight and during the week of birth due to the unique situation of the family, the newborn - and sometimes due to the needs of labor.

Am I entitled to see my child's medical file? (hide)
According to the Patient's Rights Law, you are entitled to see your child's medical file.
In most cases, you will be asked to make an appointment with a senior doctor in order to view the case in order to avoid misunderstandings and ambiguities that may arise due to the medical language in which the case is worded.

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