
Activity in the Knesset

Important information for parents

Due date 2015 in the Knesset

Background about 10% 7%- of all babies in Israel are born prematurely (premature). This is about 14,000 babies every year*. "Premature", according to the definition of the Ministry of Health, is any baby born before the 37th week of pregnancy. Premature babies are at risk of severe morbidity and medical complications. Some do not last long and die in the hospital. the others

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Premature Day 2014 in the Knesset - Minutes

The Committee for the Rights of the Child chaired by Member of Knesset Orly Levy-Abacsis Tuesday, November 18, 2014, 25 in Hashon 1955, at 10:00 a.m. Improving care for premature babies in the community and establishing a mother's milk bank Invited: Ministry of Health, Neonatology Association, Lehab Association - Parents of premature babies, Shaare Zedek Hospital, directors of neonatal departments

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Leah Shavari

You were born at week 29+3, 768 grams. On the last day of the Cast Lead War. During the war, the soldiers fought against us, and we - against you! The doctors didn't believe you would survive, they didn't give you a chance even in the womb. We were told to terminate the pregnancy. But you were surprised. Even when they thought it would take four pediatricians to revive you -

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Due date 2014 in the Knesset

The Forum for Premature Babies in Israel Background About 9% - Of all the babies in Israel are born prematurely (premature babies). This is about 16,000 babies every year*. "Premature", according to the definition of the Ministry of Health, is any baby born before the 37th week of pregnancy. Premature babies are at risk of severe morbidity and medical complications. Some don't last and die anymore

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Prematurity Day 2014 in the media

  1. From the sports supplement of Yedioth Ahronoth 6.11.2014 by Elisaf Deuel "hits against all obstacles" Rotem Ashkenazi (16) is the only competitive deaf tennis player in Israel, and does not let her disability hinder her: "wants to reach the top 100 in the world"...Ashkenazi was born in 1988 In Herzliya with a twin brother and at an extremely low weight - 900 grams...

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Expensive things come in small packages

פרולוג יום שבת אביבי, שעת בוקר, מחדרה של עופרי נשמעים קולות: ״אמא, אבא…״, אני ניגש לחדר, פותח את הדלת, ומול עיני אני רואה את הילדה החמודה שלי מתמתחת לה במיטתה, מחייכת את חיוכה הכובש, מתעוררת לה לעוד יום של משחקים וכיף של שבת. ״בוקר טוב

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Prematurity Day 2013 in the Knesset - minutes

Minutes No. 62 of the meeting of the Committee on State Audit Tuesday, 16th of Kislu 2013 (November 19, 2013), 11:00 a.m. Agenda: 1. Units for special care of newborns, State Comptroller's Report 54 B, p. 400 - Follow-up session. 2. Medical and nursing personnel - State Comptroller's report

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