
Information and training booklets

Information and training booklets for parents

Supporting and accompanying parents of premature babies is a main part of the association's activities. In order to make the information accessible and to help parents throughout the country, the Lehab association produces up-to-date training brochures for parents. In the brochures you will find up-to-date information regarding all the main topics in order to help you as much as possible.

You can read the content on the website or download the brochure for your convenience.

To read the guides >>

We produce two brochures - the booklet the green which is intended for the duration of the stay in prematurity andThe pink booklet which is intended to accompany you after the release from Pagia. The brochures can be downloaded here and at the same time they are printed and distributed in the parents' rooms in pre-schools throughout the country.

If you encounter a lack - we will be happy to update.

Important information for parents

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